Thursday, January 23, 2014

Combined Life Group (CYN Winnipeg)

by Felice Matilla

The Lord truly makes a way. January has become a busy month for the youth, not only was it the start of the second semester it was also a month where there were a lot of preparations to be done for upcoming church events. Since time wouldn’t permit us to have a CYN gathering, in lieu we had combined cell group. It wasn’t limited to the members of all the CYN cell groups, as always, we welcomed everyone who wanted to come.

The praise and worship team started the night with songs that helped set the atmosphere.  After the games, Teri Agpoon (CYN Winnipeg head), shared a teaching of the Word that reminded everyone about how important it was to deny oneself and focus on God alone. The Word impressed on our hearts that we should not only preach about the Living Water publicly but also drink from it privately. We need to regain and maintain our relationship with the Lord.

With sober minds and focused hearts, we sang our dedication to God and continued to jump in praise during the victory proclamation. The fellowship continued while sharing food with one another. The Lord truly makes a way as He continues to do changes in CYN Winnipeg. He continues to unite and bind us with His love. With His grace, we will find a way to continue to worship Him as one family.

We acknowledge
The greatness of our Lord in
Making this event possible.
 In His name we continue to give
Glory and Honour.